So... it's been a while. And I feel like I owe you an explanation.
It's been a crazy seven months (eight months?) since I last wrote to you. So many things have changed. Somethings were meant to happen and somethings weren't. But, that's how life works, right? Man, I could be a philosopher...
At the beginning of May, my mom and I started a podcast called Under The Sun And Moon. On there, we talk about a variety of topics, ranging from grief, to art, to health, to owning our own businesses. We post our episodes on our YouTube channel, Under The Sun and Moon, and we have an Instagram page, which is @underthesunandmoonpod (Yes, this entire paragraph was used as a way to plug our new podcast. No, I'm not sorry. Go check us out!).
Towards the end of May, I got my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Studio Art with a concentration in Fine Art Photography. A mouth full of education and words. I was also awarded with the Most Outstanding Capstone award in my photography department and the Rita Hammond award for my artwork on my dad's birthday (I will make a whole other blog post about what my Capstone was about and it went with making it).
May 22nd, 2021 (Thank you @lumniphoto for this shot).
Six days after I graduated, my husband and I moved into our own, first apartment. We had been looking to move for a few months and we wanted to make it it goal to move during the summer after we graduated. We had looked almost all of the eligible apartments in our area and in our price range, and we kept striking out. Finally, a week before we graduated, we found a place (thank you to the family friend that helped us get here). It's so much nicer than any of the other apartments we looked it, and it's been a wonderful place to call home.
Me photographing my husband's tarot cards in our new living room.
June rolls by and in July, Wyatt and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary. It was a really nice day, except for when we went out to eat and we had to leave early because I realized I was sick. Not with COVID, but it was an uncomfortable cold. Other than that, we had a nice day! In the beginning of August, I turned twenty two years old, which was also a nice day. My mom, my husband, and I went hiking at a local trail and spent the night watching movies.
Two things that weren't great about the end of August into September were that it had now been two years since my dad passed away and, unrelatedly, I was in a lot of pain. I had been experiencing all kinds of reproductive issues since I first got my period when I was a preteen, but I had recently changed birth controls and some of the issues got worse. I had to have an ultrasound and blood work done to figure out what was going on. Turns out, my body just doesn't work well with birth control. So, it's now been two months since I stopped using it, and I feel human again!
The end of September and most of October was pretty difficult. My husband had been laid off from his job and had to find a new one, which made finances tight. Finding a new job is always hard, so that was stressful for both of us. I have a job at a local grocery store, but I'm only part time as I also have my photography business. He did find another job, but it paid much less than the last one and it didn't have a great work environment, so that was not fun. However, Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, and that was something that made October a little better!
Halloween at the firehouse with my co-host of the Under The Sun and Moon podcast, my mom!
We now come to here: November. I'm writing this on the last day of November. This month was full of new things. I had a bunch of new shoots, my husband got another new job that he will be starting in a week that pays better, uses his degree, and is something he's genuinely excited about, and my mom, my husband, and I started working on putting together a new business! I can't reveal too much about that yet, but I will very soon. I promise.
I hope these past few months have treated you well, just as I hope this blog finds you well. These months have reminded me of a lot of things. They've reminded me a lot about what and who truly are important to me, about how I want to grow and better myself, about how to take a step back and just fucking breathe, and they've reminded me of who I am. I hope they have done the same for you.
- Kes <3