I have loved art for as long as I can remember. It helped that my parents were and are very creative people. My mom was a painter when I was a kid and now she's a seamstress. My dad was a drummer and a blacksmith. I was surrounded by all kinds of art, whether it was music, painting, metal work, or fashion. I always had sketchbooks when I was in elementary school and I filled every single one. Art has been a part of my identity for a very long time.
(Image Shown: Half Human/Half Animal painting, 2015)
However, my love for photography came later. I had photographs taken of me very often, usually at family gatherings. I didn't take photographs very often. My first exposure (pun intended) to photography in terms of creating art was when I was a freshman in high school. Now, mind you, I went to high school in a part of the country where the arts were being taken away from schools. So, this photography class was a big deal for me. I learned the basics of how to use a camera, but the class was not taught by an artist. It was taught by an English teacher who's daughter was a photographer. Being taught photography by someone who didn't know anything about photography aided me in failing the class. After that experience, I thought it wasn't for me.
Just before my junior year of high school and just before I turned sixteen, I was scrolling through Tumblr and found myself on the photography side of the platform. I instantly fell in love with the images I was seeing. All of the portraits, the wedding photography, the fine art, and every other image I saw was beautiful. This then lead me to getting a camera for my sixteenth birthday (Thanks Mom and Dad!) I got a Canon Rebel T5i and took it with me everywhere. I actually gained a lot of practice from photographing the different headstones in the cemetery across the street from my house.
(Image Shown: Stone angel holding a cross next to a tree, 2016)
I did a few mini shoots for some neighbors and in the fall of that same year, I second shot my first wedding. I had so much fun and I learned a lot in that one day. I really wish I remembered the name of the photographer I worked with that day, because she taught me and helped me more than anyone ever had before! After that day, I wanted to become a wedding photographer.
The following year, I started equine therapy to help with my anxiety disorder. I took my camera to the barn with me every once in a while. I did this up until it was time to for me to start applying to colleges. I originally wasn't going to go to college. I was going to start my own photography business right out of high school. But, I decided that I wanted to become an equine therapist with a photography business on the side. Because of this, I got accepted to Cazenovia College to study Equine Business Management with a minor in photography.
After I got accepted, I did a summer jumpstart program through Caz, and I felt like something was off with my experience. I was starting to grow into the person I wanted to be, and I realized that I, not only wanted, but needed to change my major. I realized that I needed to do what was best for me and what I had always wanted to do from the beginning. Before I started my first fall semester, I changed my major to Fine Art Photography.
During the summer before my junior year of college, I did an internship with a wedding photographer, Kerri Lynne. I had a wonderful time working with her and I learned so much from her! She taught me a lot about the business side of photography, helped me with editing, showing me different wants to interact with different clients, etc. She was also super patient with me as I was doing this internship during the time that my dad was really sick. She's a fantastic person all around! I came out of that internship with a person I can now call a friend, but I also came out of it with the realization that I did not want to be a wedding photographer. Why? I realized it wasn't my style, and that's okay!
(Image Shown: Kes (left) and Kerri (right) on the first day of the internship! 2019)
I started exploring more into the world of documentary photography and photojournalism during my junior year on top of building my skills on the fine art side of photography. Because of this, it has lead me to make an environmental portrait based senior thesis exhibition.
(Image Shown: Caitlyn holding and looking at her locket, 2021)
Today, I am finishing my BFA in Fine Art Photography with minors in Studio Art and Art History. I also have my portrait and fine art photography business. I am so grateful to be doing what I love everyday and I now know that can't live without photography.
Through out my experience so far, I have become a huge believer in doing what makes you happy. I know that it is easy to get swept up into other things that need to get done or doing things that others tell you to do. But, if you can, please do what will truly make you happy and listen to your gut. You know yourself better than anyone else. Use that to your advantage, and do what you love! I did, and I do not regret it. 🖤
- Kes xoxo